Monday, February 21, 2011

Don't just consume - CREATE!!!!

There are many programming environments now that allow you to come up with games, applications and utilities for a range of devices - mobile phones, x-box and computers and most of them are free. The school has scratch installed on all it's computers and students are supported in this throughout in their Yr 10 ICT course. But this is just one...


Did you know?
for example has a programming language that you can learn to develop games and applications for mobile devices with Windows, Mac or Android operating systems?

Also Microsoft has developed a games platform called Kodu that allows you to publish games straight to the X-box!!

Like to play games? Why not create one?

Programming skills are what underpin all the services and businesses you use on the Internet and the skills you develop by generating a game might help give you the ability to develop the next Facebook or Google app. Programming is BIG business and software engineers are the people that made Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc.

So don't just consume - CREATE!!

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